Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

I just read about this ....the second sequel will unwrap a new mummy and feature a character who is the grown son of Rick and Evie (played in the previous films by Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz). It's aiming to shoot this summer under director Rob Cohen for a 2008 release. Apparently it will have a different concept to the others too as it is been written by two different writers to the first two. In the Far East, trouble-seeking father-and-son duo Rick (Fraser) and Alex O'Connell (Luke Ford) unearth the mummy of the first Emperor of Qin..... a shape-shifting entity who was cursed by a wizard centuries ago. It looks like Jet Li is to play the Mummy and that Michele Yeoh is the Wizard who curses him John Hannah reprises his role as the cowardly bumbling brother of Evie but this time round Rachel Weisz is not returning and actress Mario Bello is stepping in. Should be good!!

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